About Us

Woodspring Wings MAC is one of the few model-flying clubs in the UK to own its own site. The flying field and the two adjacent fields (also owned by the Club) total about 21 acres of flat land bordered by streams and ditches in a remote part of the North Somerset Levels.
Aerial view of Airfield

aerialSince purchasing the flying field 13 years ago, the Club has provided a tarmac runway, pits and taxi-ways as well as a club-house and other facilities. Trees planted at the time of purchase are now mature and shield the buildings from the nearby road so that our “footprint” on the landscape is made as unobtrusive as possible. The same thinking has guided the Club with regard to strict noise control measures and we are pleased to state that no complaints have been received since we first occupied the site.

Club members are active in all areas of radio-controlled aircraft, including helicopters, jets, and gliders, as well as the more usual fixed wing models. Some of the largest models in the world have been built by our members and campaigned at Shows throughout the summer, in this country and abroad.

We are located within Bristol International Airport’s airspace and operate under a Letter of Agreement to ensure safe operation. We have a tarmacadam runway 110metres in length for fixed wing aircraft also designated areas for control line and rotary flying. All types of flying are encouraged with multi-rotor and FPV pilots successfully operating. Flying is permitted all year restricted only before or following certain hours of the day. We are particularly sensitive to the potential of noise emitted from our field and respect the communities living nearby. Visitors are welcomed onto the site and a safe area is provided complete with toilet facilities.

The club is managed by a Committee that meets every month except for mid-summer. We are affiliated to the British Model Flying Association and the day to day running of the club and its facilities is maintained through an annual membership subscription. A once-only Joining Fee is payable by applicants over the age of 18yrs when offered membership. Additional to the annual club subscription is the annual subscription to the British Model Flying Association that provides the individual with the mandatory insurance. An annual, but small fee for registration to the Civil Aviation Authority is also levied. The club is restricted to a total of 170 seniors agreed annually at its AGM but is pleased to offer unlimited membership to those under 18yrs of age. Members bring many skills to the club and early identification of these is welcomed to assist in the running and improvement of the facilities and operation. Everyone contributes to the success of the club and we look forward to enjoying the experience and enthusiasm that new members bring.

The club operates under a Constitution and a Rule Book, both of which are reviewed and updated to accord with legislation current at the time. Club meetings take place for discussion and presentations of associated activities together with field based events and the club organises indoor flying at a local school together with simulator evenings during the winter months. The club is pleased to record that it has benefitted from the support provided by members over the years in respect of airfield maintenance and other activities including the Annual Air Show at the beginning of July. The show is held in high regard among the flying community and successfully profiles the club to the local population.

The whole area has been appointed a “Site of Special Scientific Interest”. This has placed an extra burden of responsibility on the Club and we have been pleased to comply with all SSSI requirements concerning land management, in some cases going “the extra mile” providing, for example, wild-life habitats around the borders of our property.

Members’ families have not been forgotten and are encouraged to enjoy the peaceful surroundings, benches, barbecue, and tables in the Members’ Enclosure, and to attend various social events that take place throughout the year.

For the inexperienced, flying training can be arranged at no charge and many members are willing to provide advice and guidance on the wider aspects such as model building. New entrants to the hobby are strongly recommended to purchase an appropriate and simple trainer aircraft that is not loaded with “bells and whistles” so to speak. Various modelling magazines and websites provide information on the availability of entry level models that are within a basic budget. Electric powered models have gained popularity and even indoor models and multi-rotors that come complete with motor, servos, battery and charger (even batteries) together with transmitter can be flow at the club’s winter venue. Again, for outdoor flying there are “almost ready to fly” models supplied with motor and servos to which the student pilot must add a transmitter, receiver and batteries with appropriate charger etc. Once the student pilot gains experience and confidence, attaining the “A” certificate from the BMFA, then models and model making can advance to larger aircraft made from plans or kits. The sky is, literally, the limit!

Present Club membership stands at 170. There is a membership limit and a waiting list for adult members, but not for juniors, who are always actively encouraged to join.